Chapbook Winner and Runner-Up Chosen
11 Apr 2010
There was some tough competition in the chapbook contest–but we’ve finally picked our winner and runner-up. We’ll post more information about that in the next couple of days, after the winner and runner-up are both notified. To everyone who submitted, but was not chosen, we are glad we had the chance to read your work. If you provided a SASE, we plan to provide at least a little personal feedback.
Thank you to everyone who gave us the opportunity to read your work!
Thank you for your bracing rejection of my chapbook entry. It encourages me to try harder next time. But, hey, I did provide an SASE, but there was no “little personal feedback” on your form letter. That would have been most welcome!
Frances – Since we (the staff) did not see the envelopes, your SASE must have gotten lost in the shuffle. I know I wrote personal feedback to everyone whose entry was tagged as having an SASE. I’m so sorry you didn’t get the feedback.
Please announce the winners….another month has passed