Journal of Writing & Environment

New Issue is Here!

The latest issue of Flyway has just arrived from the printer. We will be putting it in the mail over the course of the upcoming week!

Don’t miss: Rich Button, Michelle Eames, Lois Marie Harrod (Winner of our chapbook contest, with Cosmogony), Julian Hoffman, Andy Hoffmann, Brad Johnson, Dimitri Keriotis, Kathryn Miles, Ruane Miller, Patrica Monaghan, Andrea J. Nolan, Ann Pancake, Racel Swearingen, Jane Vincent Taylor*, Sue Thomas, Linda Underhill, & Corrie Williamson.

*A correction: Jane Vincent Taylor appears as Jane Cox within the issue. We apologize for this oversight and ask you to change it in your copies–or at least make note of it, especially if you decide to share the journal with anyone else.