Journal of Writing & Environment

Flyway Summer Reads: Lindsay Tigue on Rebecca Solnit’s “A Field Guide to Getting Lost”

A Field Guide to Getting Lost cover       

This summer, my reading list has consisted of a lot of nonfiction and short story collections. One book I really loved so far, was Rebecca Solnit’s A Field Guide to Getting Lost (Penguin Books, 2005). Solnit is a natural choice for readers of Flyway as her work often tackles themes of landscape and the environment. She weaves the personal with the historical so fluently and gracefully and her meandering between the lived world and the researched world feels genuine and unforced. In, A Field Guide to Getting Lost, Solnit explores the various ways people get “lost”and how losing can lead to discovery. Normally, this is the type of subject matter that would make me cringe, but Solnit’s collage of history and anecdote becomes poetic and delicately balanced.

Lindsay Tigue is the incoming nonfiction editor at Flyway.