Journal of Writing & Environment

Web Rove for the Holidays

We here at Flyway wish everyone a Happy New Year! Take a break from the festivities to check out our latest Web Rove for this season.

“Dirty Birds” by Blaze Kinzey (from Monkeybicycle)
This piece of flash fiction jumps right into its story, just as the genre requires, and we learn that the sad reality that this story can be told over and again. Though we don’t really get a clear sense of what’s at stake for these two brothers, we feel like we do, and it doesn’t feel too good.

 “Factoryville Eclogue” by Gregory Lawless (from Devil’s Lake)
I love the terse language of this poem, and really admire the last image of the spilled lumber truck, freezing over and circled by ravens.

 “On Omens” by Mark Wunderlich (from Verse Daily)
This has that really simple but descriptive language that really leaps to different meaning because of the more abstract in the poem. Somehow the simple image of two coyotes crossing the yard hits so well.

“hunter gatherer” by kelly schirmann (from decomP)
This poem succeeds where I see a lot of other poems failing; it blends the clear narrative story with striking imagery and abstract ideas.

 “Advent” by Mary Jo Salter (from Poetry)
And a Christmas poem!
