Journal of Writing & Environment

WINNERS: 2014 Notes from the Field Contest

The time has come for us to announce the winners, chosen by heavy-weight judge Cristina Eisenberg, of our 2014 Notes from the Field contest (drumroll, please):

Our first prize winner is Susannah Clark’s magnificent essay “House Blend,” delving into the stories of the young men behind 2013’s horrific Boston Marathon bombing.

And our runner-up is the essay “Usciolu” by Suzanne Menghraj, an excellent piece of travel writing that tells of the author’s experience on the Mediterranean island of Corsica.

I would also like to celebrate everyone who submitted. We had nearly 100 submissions, and the staff found much enjoyment reading through them. Of course, I must also thank our judge Cristina Eisenberg and her eagle eye for good material.

Please look to see our winner and runner-up published in our up-coming publication cycle in the spring of 2015.


2 responses to “WINNERS: 2014 Notes from the Field Contest”

  1. FlywayJournal says:

    When do the Notes from the Field Winners’ pieces get published? Soon, patient readers, soon!

  2. writer says:

    I’m looking forward to seeing these, I loved last year’s winners.